Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I've now been in Winnipeg for one week and six hours. Achieved so far:

- bought and assembled comfy Ikea bed

- haven't driven the car since the first day because transit rocks (I should take it to the car wash and get rid of the salt though)

- walked hither and yon in the warm weather and non-icy sidewalks

- applied for dog license

- went swimming in 50-m pool; turns out I didn't forget how

- visited a really pleasant church (I have to investigate the hot pastor's theology further, but so far, so good)

- located library; obtained library card; borrowed Economist

- learned to say "hello, my name is Elise" in Finnish

- got a professional opinion on my singing and signed up for voice lessons

- informed Human Resources of my move and the reasons why; decision expected in three weeks

- 14 job applications in five business days; it would take about five years to apply to that many jobs in Hay River

- job interview scheduled for 13 February

- one of the jobs applied to involves melting all the pennies in Canada (I hope I get this one)

- no one is stalking me (yet)

- don't even care what The Handsome One is up to these days

I'm pretty sure this was a damn good idea.

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