Saturday, February 16, 2013

F@#$%^ing landlady. The downstairs roommate and I decided on a two-pronged approach to try to get her to do something about the teenagers. In response she sends an email to everyone telling us we're all intelligent adults (um, neither?) and essentially we can solve our problems ourselves. Ummmm... I'm sorry but YOU made the decision to have two teenagers in this house and you misrepresented it to me and probably didn't even ask for Downstairs Roommate's opinion so yeah, YOU should be doing something about them. Ok, well, I can solve one problem by replacing the doorknob on my bedroom with a keyed-entry one which would hopefully deter such drug dealers and other teenagers as they may let into the house from time to time from touching my shizz. And I guess since they refuse to be polite or be spoken to like actual adults would, I can put signs all over the place. "Lock the door." "Take your garbage out." "Clean up after yourself." Don't bother me... if you want to play house like grown-ups, start playing the part for real.

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