Thursday, February 21, 2013

Final tally for the night: number of times roommates' dog had diarrhea in the kitchen and/or living room: 4; number of times they cleaned up: 1 (cause I made them); number of times *I* cleaned up: all the rest; number of bottles of Bacardi 151 left on kitchen counter: 1/2 (I'm sure half empty to them). I wonder if that Bacardi will still be on the counter by the time they wake up... or down the drain? Strangely enough, letting one's dog shit in a dwelling is not an offense, while pouring someone's property down the drain is. That's fucked up.

Allen: Time to get out of there...

Me: Not yet... I like the house and the location. What needs to be done is get these two idiots out of here.

Allen: That's a better idea!

Me: I know! I'm full of them. Good ideas, I mean.

Allen: Start putting the dog shit in the Bacardi bottles...

Me: BRILLIANT!!!! I should have thought of that.

Maybe I should just call child services. A 16-yo drinking 151 instead of going to school sounds like something they'd care about.

Allen: Doubt it. 16 in Alberta any way you can legally drop out of school.

Me: Nope... in Manitoba the legal age for leaving school AND for drinking is 18.

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