Saturday, February 2, 2013

Today's Winnipeg adventure: had conversations with my roommates! Well, almost. The guy was out today and most of yesterday (and overnight, I think) and both the girls' mothers dropped by for visits, so the mothers chatted amiably with me, as adults are wont to do when meeting new people. Then the girls participated. Maybe they're intimidated because I'm not only much older but much bigger and more butch than them.

Later, I got around to unpacking four boxes (34% of total). Still no sign of my piano power cord, but I can see things taking shape. I was disappointed when I first saw the place, but I was tired and frustrated at the time. Now that I'm in a good mood, I'm liking it.

Tomorrow's Winnipeg adventure: ride the bus a) to church (the one with the hot pastor), b) to the library, c) to Safeway, d) back home. What a chore it would be to do all that by car!

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