Monday, October 21, 2013

Remember how I was going to wear hijab at soccer, but then I didn't play soccer this year so I never got to wear my hijab? Me too. So I kept thinking "where am I gonna wear my hijab?" Not that it isn't appropriate in most places (it would be a bit weird at church or ballet, I suppose), but I thought the people who know me without hijab would be weirded out if I turned up suddenly with hijab.

Sadly, I don't care what other people think of me, and my ears are cold in this weather, so screw it, I'm a' wear my hijab wherever I want. First hijab outing: walking the dog. One old dude gave me dirty looks. I'd give him the finger, but I'm far too saintly for that in my hijab. So other than that, pros and cons of hijab are as follows:

  1. Mad comfy. Seriously.
  2. Definitely far more comfortable than a bra and high heels, by the way.
  3. Did I mention, comfy?
  4. Keeps ears warm in winter, protects from sunburn in summer.
  5. Looks waaaaaaayyyyyy better than a toque, bandana, sun hat, baseball cap, or any other socially acceptable head covering I've tried. And I'm not even wearing a pretty one.
  6. You know how you go to the fabric store and look at everything and you're like "I'd love to make something with this"... but you can't because you don't know how to sew? No longer! If you can hem, you can make your own hijab. And it doesn't cost you twelve yards, either.
  7. Comfy.
  8. Pleasing to the Lord, as far as we know. Though that's not such a big deal since I'm a Lutheran and therefore I'm saved with or without hijab.
  9. NO dudes hit on me while wearing hijab.
  10. Finally a solution to the never-ending bad-hair-day that is my life!
  11. Stickin' it to the Quebec Charter of Values! Especially when worn with an English-only t-shirt. Still looking for that "larger than average" crucifix.

  1. Not very convenient for putting your glasses back on.
  2. I can guaranteed I will spill coffee on it sooner or... even sooner.
  3. As a white, Christian woman, maybe I should have picked different colours than blue and ecru. Cause I do kinda look like I'm going as Mother Theresa for Hallowe'en.

In conclusion, I will definitely wear hijab more often.

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