Tuesday, March 12, 2013

What I did today:

0800: got up, walked dog, ate breakfast
0830: tried to fix Windows problem
1100: showered (cause I'm polite and I wait for the roommates to be up before I go make noise in the bathroom)
1115: tried to fix Windows problem
1215: ate lunch, walked dog
1245: singing practice
1315: tried to fix Windows problem
1500: fixed Windows problem!
1501: watched Toddlers and Tiaras to decompress
1545: walked dog
1615: so tired... can't stay awake...
1620: better read some jokes online to keep myself awake
1800: walked dog, took garbage out, ate supper
1845: all my FB friends are home from work! Let's read some status updates!

Tell me again how computers were gonna revolutionise productivity?

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