Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hay River: flood prediction is done by an old guy and anyone on Town Council who answers the phone when the paper calls them. Winnipeg: flood prediction is done by Actual Scientists using Actual Data and Actual Math. What a wonderful world.

Tiffany: University of Alberta actually does the predictions here in HR

Me: I hesitate to contradict the SAO's wife on this topic but last time I talked to the UofA team they had no ability to make meaningful predictions due to the stochastic nature of the problem. Most of the predictions came from the late Red McBryan and big-mouthed councilors such as Kevin Wallington.

Tiffany: ...lol Ya, inter office used UofA data to 'try' to predict it.

Me: I think part of the problem is that not enough people know what "stochastic" means.

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