Monday, March 4, 2013

Our best friend in the house so far is Spencer, Downstairs' Roommate's two-year-old Jack Russel. He's cute but very hyper and has a tendency to piddle when excited. And he's always excited. So my approach with him is to be very mellow. More so than with the average dog. We don't see him much because downstairs is a self-contained suite, but every time he goes in and out with his person, he runs over to the living room door, looks at me, and then runs back to his person. I didn't think anything of it. Then yesterday, they came home from spending the weekend at her dad's when I was already upstairs reading in bed. So I heard Spencer galloping to the living room, and then a pause, and then he ran upstairs (he's not supposed to), came right to our door, sniffed at the door a little, and ran back down to his person. Aaaaawwwwwwwww... He likes us! Thank you, little dog. As long as dogs love me, people can say anything they want, I still know I'm a decent person.

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