Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I keep thinking I should take up a sport but they all look so tiring...

Deirdre: What happened to your skipping?

Me: I don't think it would go over in this house... and I have no idea where I packed my rope... and my room is too small anyway... I'm thinking more of a team sport with standards of performance and stuff.

Deirdre: Team sports are a great way of making sure you get out and active. I like running right now because it's more flexible time wise, location wise etc.

Me: I used to run a lot when I lived in Edmonton, but I'm much more drawn to things that have structure and cooperation these days. Probably a reaction against the excessive individualism up north.

Donna: Jazzercize Winnipeg.

Me: Meh. I'm thinking more like soccer. If only they had a walk-only soccer league so I wouldn't have to run.

Deirdre: Play goal.

Me: I doubt the team will let me... I have this thing about getting out of the way of fast-moving objects. Good for survival, not good for soccer.

Me: Rowing! There's no running involved in rowing.

Deirdre: Rowing works! Winnipeg has good sized rivers.

Me: I could be the coxswain. I like yelling at people.

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