Monday, March 4, 2013

Despite my bitchiness on Facebook, I've been trying to take a conciliatory, or at least a non-inflammatory, approach with the roommates. Even though I still want to put the little bitch's head through the drywall. Anyway. Every time she comes home from being out, her poor dog greets her with joy, and she yells at him. But he keeps doing it, because dogs are better people than people. Today she was in the kitchen when I came home from conservatory. The dog came up to me, and I greeted him happily while she bitched him out. Then I went and let MY dog out of our room, and she greeted me with delirious joy. Cause I was gone about 5 hours. So we're on the living room floor laughing and cuddling, and I'm calling her all kinds of ridiculous pet names, and so on. For quite a long time. And finally... the nasty little roommate picked up her dog and hugged him and called him something nice. Modelling positive behaviour for children... actually works sometimes. Thank you, Lord. That little dog so needed a hug.

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