Saturday, April 6, 2013

When I had my third interview, the manager said HR would schedule me for online training between then (March 6) and my orientation (April 6). But then I talked to HR and she said no, you just come in April 6. So I come in and the manager doing the orientation asks "have you been doing any online training?" and I'm thinking "uhoh." And then everyone else shows up and the manager asks who's there for the first time and hasn't done any online training... everyone puts their hands up. And at least three of us were at the same job fair on February 13. Hmmmmmmm... I think HR might be getting a comment about that. Maybe.

Mardrey: No kidding! So how did the manager manage you three?

Me: "Oh. Ok then." I guess she'll take it up with HR later. At least I feel better that I'm not the only one who's been left sitting on my hands at home all this time.

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