Thursday, April 4, 2013

I think I have to get up at 5:30 on Saturday. Like, 5:30 in the MORNING. Like cab driving all over again. Woe is me!!!!!!!!

Mardrey: Sorry! that would be tough for me as well. Is this for training?

Me: Yeah. It's annoying because I applied for the night shift specifically so it wouldn't interfere with my busy life of music, dance and religion, and I specifically said my only unavailable time is Sunday morning for church, and they schedule me for training... Saturday and Sunday day shifts. Because their trainers don't work night. So I'm missing: rehearsal and costumes for church musical, Dancing with the Pastors fundraiser and social, church, baby shower for someone from my church family, and perhaps even the long-awaited Monteverdi concert. I managed to exchange my Sunday matinee ticket for a Saturday night ticket but I don't know if I'll have the energy to go. And the dog had her Lyme disease booster today, they gave her an anti-inflammatory with it because she had a reaction to her last vaccine, but I still wouldn't put it past her to get sick on me on the busiest weekend of the year.

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