Saturday, December 28, 2013

The less-cunty roommate comes home and announces brightly that he doesn't get paid until the 4th so I'll "just have to tell the landlord rent will be on the weekend."






"Less cunty" is purely relative, obviously.

Dana: why are YOU in charge of rent??? you should just send yours in and let the others be in charge of their own - or at least get a discount on yours for being the heavy.

Me: I'm in charge of rent because we're renting the house as a whole, not as three separate contracts with the landlord, so if those two dumb cunts are late on their rent I'm just as screwed as if I was.

Megan: What about his pay check from last week, then?

Me: He doesn't get regular paycheques because he's a subcontractor. But that's the third time he's used the excuse of "we finished the job and billed it but the customer is out of town until X date". So, I told him I'm getting a payday loan for his shortfall and he will have to pay the charges, i.e. 50% + $30. Suddenly he changed from "you're gonna have to talk to the landlord" to "I'll talk to my boss and see if he can come up with it." Funny how these bitches can suddenly find money when they find out I'm not gonna lend it to them for free.

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