Thursday, September 5, 2013

So the little princess finally produced the rent money. After the rent cheque bounced. On being told he'd pay the bank charges, he announced that he's moving "coz this is bullshit." Yeah, don't let the door hit you on the way out. Or my foot.

Megan: Paying rent is bullshit? I suppose if I were given the choice, I would prefer not to pay mine, either, but I wasn't aware that was an option.

Me: I'm pretty sure he asked to move in with us thinking that we'd be doing nothing but serve him, and all this refusing to cooperate is just trying to prove what a big man he is. Typical abusive crap. Sadly miscalculated on his part since abuse is only possible because someone would rather take it than lose you. We're happy to lose him, so now he's screwed and I'm laughing like a hyena.

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