Saturday, June 14, 2014

Conversation with coworkers from other departments at shift-change.

Me: My Facebook friend in Pakistan -

Canadian: He speaks English???

I and the Filipina look pointedly at the English-speaking Pakistani, who looks pointedly at the Canadian.

Canadian: Oh, yeah, sorry.

Me: Yeah, my friend speaks Punjabi, Urdu and English. So just three.

Pakistani: Pff. Just three.

Canadian: "just" three?

Me: Jags speaks five.

Canadian: Who's Jags?

Me: The Sikh guy on our team.

Canadian, pointing at a white guy with no turban: Him?

Me: Er... That's not a Sikh.

Pakistani: Yeah, not a Sikh.

Me: The one with the turban. That's a Sikh.

Canadian: Oh, Sikh! I thought you meant sick. The SICK guy on your team.

Pakistani and I: (sigh)

Multiculturalism: you're doing it wrong, Canada.

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