Sunday, November 3, 2013

By the way here is something funny. The roommate and I had BOTH put ads on Kijiji to find a new roommate. Everyone who replied to MY ad was a construction worker, even though I did say the other inhabitants are two women and nowhere did I swear or even mention my work experience. The woman who replied to the roommate's ad (after I had given the room to New Roommate) was... in a panic to get out of her current situation because she's scared of her schizophrenic roommate... just as Roommate was when we lived in said schizophrenic roommate's house. Apparently we each attracted people who are much like ourselves. Mine are just better.

Oh yeah, and it's nice to know that any time we want a new roommate, we can just poach refugees from our crazy schizophrenic ex-roommate's house.

Megan: Wait, the other applicant was Old Roommate's current roommate?

Me: EXACTLY. That's why it's so hilarious.

Megan: Geez. Yes, I guess you can be sure you'll always have a back-up roommate.

Me: Unless of course Old Roommate gives up trying to find a roommate who will put up with him.

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