Friday, August 16, 2013

Moving 2013.3, day 2. Slept. Woke up circa 15:30. Spent the rest of the day eating to rebuild reserves, and loading stuff in the Fnord. Now the Fnord is good for moving because it has infinite space inside and is never full. On the other hand, it never lets you rest, because it's never full enough that you could just sit down and leave the rest for another day. And the other thing, I know I said that three months ago, but how come I don't have enough boxes for all my books? They must have come here in a box, right? Oh well. Buy some from work in the morning. Unload this load at the new house, go back to sleep at old house, then start loading furniture in the afternoon. Not only I have my bed and bookcases that I didn't have up north, but also I scored a desk that the roommate wasn't using. SWEET! I totally need a desk. But short of disassembling everything, it's gonna take a couple Fnord loads to haul it. And then, that will be about it for the old house.

Meanwhile, the new roommates have been in the house for 36 hours and I haven't had any hysterical texts so I'm assuming things are ok... though I wouldn't be entirely surprised if I show up tomorrow and they have the heat AND the air conditioning on and there isn't any drywall left. Oh well. For now, sleep. Oh wait... I mean, work. Zut alors.

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