Library gates open; at least 40 people stampede inside. No one injured.
Diana: Oh so that's where you've been. The book of faces has been placid lately.
Me: Yeah, I don't have internet at the new place because the guy forgot his wireless password, supposedly. But considering that he's behind on every bill, Netflix is cut off, water is sending threatening letters... I'm thinking he didn't so much forget his password as neglect to pay the bill. Can't win them all...
Diana: Is he winning any of them?
Me: No, I'm pretty sure he couldn't spell "win" to save his life. He does have a beautiful daughter, but she lives with her mother.
Diana: Not really enough fodder for facebook drama. Move back to your old place, they were more fun to read about.
Me: As to that: I gave my notice and the landlady emailed back after two days saying she doesn't accept my notice. Er.... What does that even mean? You gonna make me move back in?
Diana: Haha. What DOES that mean?
Me: Mostly it means more evidence of her insanity for me to give the rental authority to support my case when I have to make them intervene to recover what she owes me (over $1100 by my calculations).
Diana: Better get on that before she does something honourable and makes herself look good.
Me: Oh yeah. I'm sure that could happen ANY TIME NOW. But since it's a long weekend and my notice only expired I think today, I can't really do anything right at the moment. Probably Thursday since I don't have to work.
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