Things I thought The Sprog might play with: My Little Ponies. Things his mother thought The Sprog might play with: some of his own toys. Things The Sprog actually played with: a piece of plastic wrap (yes I know plastic wrap kills babies but I was RIGHT THERE the whole time watching him) and a magical musical instrument that makes different sounds depending how you bang on it... also known as an empty cardboard box.
Deirdre: Try tupperware, spoons, pots... they all make great toys. Water in a bowl, bubbles in a sink...
Me: I think he's looking for things that he can investigate. For example: I grabbed the box of Kleenex to wipe his face; he then crawled after the box of Kleenex, grabbed it, pulled out dozens of Kleenex and tore them to shreds. Then he found paper and tried to tear it, but found it doesn't tear as easily as Kleenex. Then he found the plastic wrap and found that it doesn't tear either but it shines in the sun, it crinkles, you can put it in your mouth, and then when you shake it it makes a pretty shower of drool drops. Whereas My Little Pony is just a lame chunk of pink plastic.
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