Sunday, March 3, 2013

So here is what my handsome pastor had to say about the question of whether it's ok to ask a Muslim guy for coffee if he has fewer than four wives.

1) It's very unlikely that YOU would be asking him out for coffee. You have to get HIM to ask you.

2) A modern interpretation of the Quran holds that while it does allow a man to have four wives, it also says that he has to love them all equally, and since that's not actually possible, in reality the Quran DOESN'T allow a man to have four wives. But that's a modern interpretation.

3) That's an interesting question. You don't get asked that very often. Let me know what your friends have to say to that.

So there you go, Donna, now you have to respond to that. :)

I think he forgot to say "Allah knows best."

Donna: My question was really not based on a Muslim mans perspective ....but on whether you as a Christian female can date a married man who is not separated because HIS faith sanctions multiple marriages? I only challenge you because I thunk that the Christian faith....including those darn Lutherans would say no! Thanks for the post Elise. It was interesting to hear a modern interpretation on multiple marriages.

Me: I'm not aware that Christ forbade polygyny.

Donna: Maybe he didn' conversation with your pastor!

Me: I don't need to ask my pastor's opinion on this. As Lutherans we're all equal and I can read the Bible as well as he can. It makes sense to ask him about the Quran because he has studied it and I haven't.

Besides, in order to marry a Muslim man I'd have to become a Muslim myself so the opinion of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada would not be sought regarding our marriage.

Karen: Or the Muslim man would have to become a Lutheran. Interesting discussion

Me: But if he becomes a Lutheran he will no longer be allowed to have more than one wife, so that doesn't help me any. Unless the Lutheran church in Pakistan (if there is such a thing) consecrates plural marriages.

By the way it boggles MY mind that gay marriage is legal but polygamy isn't.

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