Friday, March 1, 2013

In other news, I'm all out of Toddlers and Tiaras, so I've been watching replays of the gymnastics rotations at the 2012 Olympics. Which drives me nuts because I think I can see how they're doing it, and then I'm like "hey, I should take gymnastics again, it looks fun". And then I remember that I could never even do a roll and any kind of rotation, inversion or spinning gives me a headache and also did I mention I could never even do a roll? Shut up, Scumbag Brain. Don't tell me we should do gymnastics and then refuse to perform any of the elements, m'kay? If you talk me into taking gymnastics I will damn well hold you upside down until you collapse under your own weight (or that of my arse, whichever is heavier). Try me and see if I don't. Bastard...

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